Motorola provides a variety of features for flashing, unlocking, and working about protections with the CODRAK Tool, a powerful software tool made just for Motorola devices. With the help of this free tool, users can manage and solve their Motorola smartphones.


 1.  Comandos Fastboot

 Execute Fastboot commands for advanced device management.

 Fastboot Learn Info: Retrieve essential device information via Fastboot.

 Read Unlock Code: Obtain the unlock code directly from the device.

 2.  Unlock Bootloader

 Enter UNIQUE_KEY [✔Unlock Bootloader]: Unlock the Motorola device bootloader using a unique key.

 3.  Motorola Unlock / ADB Bypass

 Request Unlock Motorola: Automatically request the unlock code.

 Claro/Telcel ADB Bypass: Bypass ADB security on Claro and Telcel Motorola devices.

 4.  Motorola Flash (XMI/BAT)

 Cargar XML/BAT: Load XML or BAT firmware files for flashing.

 Start flashing Motorola devices' firmware with Flash Motorola. Detener Flasheo Motorola: Stop the flashing process if needed.

 5.  Bank Flash

 Cargar Bank Flash (BAT): Load Bank Flash firmware.

 Flash Bank Flash: Start flashing Bank Flash firmware.

 Detener Bank Flash: Halt Bank Flash process.

 6.  Wipe Data Generic

 Run Wipe Data: To remove all data from the device, perform a factory reset. 7.  Fix CommServer FRP

 Run Fix CommServe: Remove FRP (Factory Reset Protection) locks caused by CommServer.

 8.  Firmware Browser

 Browse and manage firmware files.

 Current Folder: View the current working directory.

 Optional: Optional file management features.

 Back: Navigate to previous directories.

 Refresh: Refresh file listings.

 Download File: Download firmware files.

 Stop Discharge: Halt file downloads.

 How to Use

 Download the tool by clicking the download button.

 Extract the downloaded file using 7-Zip or WinRAR.

 Enter the password when prompted (click on the password to copy).

 If it's a portable tool:

 Simply run the .exe file inside the extracted folder.

 If it is a file for installation: Run the setup.exe and follow the on-screen instructions.

 After installation, launch the software and start using it.

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